為了響應學校養成教育工程,落實學院的養成教育活動,通過自主學習的形式提升學生的英語聽、說、讀、寫水平,提高學生的英語四六級通過率。10月31日星期四,化學與生物工程學院能化1801班開展晚自習前十分鐘英語演講活動,本次演講主題為《Energy Crisis》。
One of the main problems the world is facing today is the energy crisis. With the development of industry and agriculture, the world has consumed a great amount of energy. But all this energy has gone forever. Therefore, energy supplies are becoming short, in other words, all forms of energy will be exhausted in future.
However, energy is of great importance to us. We can hardly imagine how we could live in a world without energy.We wouldn"#39;t be able to drive our cars and listen to our favourite music. Moreover, the night would become dark all the time. In short, once we lose all the energy resources, we will not be able to exist in the world.
Therefore, conserving our energy is an important task.We must take active measures to protect our energy resources.On the one hand, we should use our energy reasonably;on the other hand, we should instruct our people not to waste energy so that we will be able to send a good gift——energy, to our next generation.